“It’s Your Life, Isn’t It?” paints a picture of how to look back at your past, analyze your present, and re-imagine your future. It provides a way to assess your desires, your strengths and weaknesses and to put these into a framework that will help you construct a more fulfilling lifestyle.
The accelerated and stunning effect of the watershed Coronavirus event in 2020 has impacted the entire world. It has been a period of time filled with confusion, uncertainty, and dramatic changes as almost everyone’s everyday life came to a halt. I am hoping this book will provide thought-provoking insights as well as inspiration and tools for analyzing what is truly important to you now, and then move forward based on what you really want from life. We need to understand and deal with the New Normal for our lives. The concepts are easily adaptable and have proven to be successful for both women and men in many cultures. They provide a blend of easy-to-understand logic, philosophy, ideas, and of most important, action plans.
The theme of the book is based on how to manage change. Throughout my lifelong career as an entrepreneur, as well as seminars I have attended, and countless ones I have conducted, in many parts of the world, I believe that I have a broad perspective. It openly discusses the successes as well as the failures, and the lessons learned from the achievements and the errors. Many of the life stories came from those programs, as well as the friendships I have been blessed with over the decades.
The prologue and first and second chapters are based on my personal life changes and dramatic challenges. The remainder of the book focuses on lessons learned from a multitude of other people – many of whom I have known personally. Hopefully, in its entirety, the messages of this book will be clear and help you understand how to focus on the priorities in your own life in a changing new world.
Order “It’s Your Life, Isn’t It?” by Beverly Copen from Lulu Publishing today – https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/beverly-kievman-copen/its-your-life-isnt-it/paperback/product-k7v77d.html